desk chair™ Coworking Implements New Air Purifying System in Workspace to Combat COVID-19 and Upcoming Flu Season.
desk chair™ workspace took extra COVID precautions in July by installing Global Plasma Solutions’ (GPS) Plasma Generator Technology to improve air quality within the coworking community. The GPS technology products purify indoor air by creating an electrical field filled with concentrations of ions to eliminate airborne particulates, odors, and pathogens.
The 2020 COVID pandemic has heightened awareness surrounding health topics and daily activities that could put human health at risk. Businesses are making necessary adjustments to protect their customers and employees. Low-tech adjustments including hygiene signage, mask-wearing, sneeze guards, and controlling pedestrian traffic are universal.
desk chair™ workspace implemented the low tech precautions back in early May and committed to the high tech enhancements in July.
“It is super important the members at desk chair feel as safe as they can possibly be when they are in our building,” says desk chair Community Manager, Jim Doherty. “With the larger companies mandating their employers not come into the office, we believe coworking will benefit from this. Most people cannot work from home for a long period of time and maintain productivity. Desk Chair offers, clean and safe high-end office space, amazing amenities, but most importantly a dynamic professional community, socially distanced of course. The new air quality technology will only help our members’ peace of mind.”