When the world shut down, we moved our offices into our homes and adjusted to the work-from-home lifestyle. Some conformed and found a new favorite way to be productive. However, for those who didn’t have access to a quiet space, internet connection, or other basic office accommodations, it was a trying time and difficult to get through. Now, that the majority of the country has reopened, companies are still figuring out ways to work. With a lot of employers choosing to remain working from home until 2021, employees are still struggling to adapt and anticipating the day they can be back in the office with any available human interaction.
It makes sense. Study after study has shown that being in a collaborative workspace can improve productivity by up to 30%. The term ‘Productivity Spillover’ is a topic that was researched in a supermarket setting with cashiers. When working together, cashiers completed tasks in a quicker manner than working alongside other employees. This spillover is something that working from home lacks. With no sense of pressure or competition, some employees can lose motivation or focus on the task at hand.
What next?
So, with research pointing towards the effectiveness and efficiency of in-person working, how does a company safely return to the office? While health protocols are debated every day, and the virus remains a threat to our safety, there are still options. Imagine this, a clean sterilized workspace with flexible leases, countless amenities, and proper social distancing. Sound too good to be true? No, that sounds like your dream coworking space!
Coworking spaces provide all of your office furniture, coffee, internet, and printing needs, while still offering the freedom to choose your own hours and commute. Remote employees can have access to a space that still feels like ‘going into the office and fosters the productivity of the old office. Finding a space that provides that human interaction and productivity spillover effect could be your answer to the working-from-home rut.
If your office is closed and there’s no real foreseeable reopening, then look to providing other options for your employees. The pandemic has reached worldwide and affected everyone in different ways, and listening to and meeting the needs of your team will help rebuild your morale and culture.
Schedule a tour of desk chair Workspace in Downtown Loveland today!